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Guestbook / Comments

Here’s a place you can leave random comments about stuff that you feel isn’t particularly related to the News. Maybe you just want to say hi. Maybe you want to critique a piece of my work. Maybe you want to ask me where I live and come and bring me cookies. Whatever. Stick it in the box down below.

Oh, and please don’t post links or email addresses, or the spambot filter robot will take offence and refuse to publish.

James Webster on Monday, 26 June 2006

Hey Tim I caught your show in Perth on Saturday and it was brilliant. I was really annoyed with the audience's hypocritical stance on religion though. They were happy to laugh along with the jokes about astrology but the moment you pointed out the parallel with religion the room became almost hushed. Brain washed, blind idiots. Ignore them. Don't stop doing what you do. The world needs you. James

Matt on Sunday, 25 June 2006

Hi Tim, I just saw your show at His Majesty's in Perth. I thought you had a set of v-drums in your pants when you did that 'im so fkn rock' bit. That was cool, keep up the good work.

Andrew Norman on Sunday, 25 June 2006

hey tim, i saw you at the Melbourne Comedy Festival Road Show in Perth. Just one thing...You are so fucking rock Andrew

ellen on Tuesday, 20 June 2006

the website is http://groups.myspace.com/timminchin thanks

Ellen on Tuesday, 20 June 2006

Hi, Im not too sure how good or bad of me this is. But I dont know anyone that has ever heard of Tim Minchin, so me and my brother have made a myspace group, its not much now, but have a look and pls if anyone has any comments or anything that would be ace, thanks ellen

Sarah on Tuesday, 13 June 2006

Hello Dan, I didn't remember you admittedly.... but its all coming back to me... The CD is most excellent and it makes me happy that you're buying it... I've listened to it thousands of times and its still funny!! Tim, I hope your acknowledging the fact that I have actually managed to cut down on email numbers... Even if the last one was... extremely extremely... you know what I mean... Anyway... Good to hear from you Dan Tim I love you The End

Daniel on Tuesday, 13 June 2006

Hello Sarah, remember me from guestbook page 9 check iv come back to buy cd oh, hi to you 2 Tim your still freakin wonderful come back to Tasmania we miss you Daniel

Callum on Friday, 9 June 2006

Hey Tim&Co. I first saw u(tim) @ moorabbin town hall in 05 and was soooooo fu***ng impressed-u r a genius. My sister thinks ur weird and even though i sort of agree, i still think u r awsome-kEEP IT UP.

Tim on Thursday, 8 June 2006

Put some mp3s up, ya bastard! Specifically: "I- am- sofuckingrock". Yeah.

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