Here’s a place you can leave random comments about stuff that you feel isn’t particularly related to the News. Maybe you just want to say hi. Maybe you want to critique a piece of my work. Maybe you want to ask me where I live and come and bring me cookies. Whatever. Stick it in the box down below.
Oh, and please don’t post links or email addresses, or the spambot filter robot will take offence and refuse to publish.
Andrew on Sunday, 31 August 2008
Hey Tim! Just wondering if you're planning a Canadian Tour anytime soon? Preferably one that's stopping in Calgary... ;D
cheggerspop on Sunday, 31 August 2008
Aaahh, try again!?! Hopefully the link will be clickable now. Taboo -
cheggerspop on Sunday, 31 August 2008
Taboo -
Sophia P on Saturday, 30 August 2008
I knew I recognised you from the DVD - must have seen you around the Con somewhere in my old orchestra days. I used to hang around WAAPA like a bad smell - good thing it was only our playing that really stank :) Fantastic work, love the mix of comedy and music, it always goes down a treat with us jaded ol' music nerds.
Jess on Thursday, 28 August 2008
Hi Tim, I'd seen a few of the YouTube classics before, but I came to the show in Edinburgh this year for the first time, and absolutely loved it, thanks so much. I think it's fair to say that I basically haven't stopped telling people about it since ('Jesus are you still going on about that guy?') and recruiting new Followers. Booked a big group for London next week (exact same show?!) and can't wait. Cheers x
Darren on Thursday, 28 August 2008
When does the tour down under start? Your brother is nowhere near as funny!
Charlotte on Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Hi Tim Just booked a ticket for your Manchester gig and (since I'm a loner and am coming on my own) managed to get an amazing seat. Just thought I'd share the good news.
Sophia on Tuesday, 26 August 2008
you scare me. but in a funny way. hah i wish i jumped from 2nd Grade AMEB to BA... no no, i have to climb rung-by-rung. i like your stock broker joke (stock... breaker...) i like ben folds too - and when you sing "he likes ben folds" you sound like ben folds, and somehow i cannot help but think that was done subconsciously (on purpose). F (shitting) sharp never fails to make me laugh. i listen to it on the bus and start laughing and get the kind of looks you must get when you walk out on stage with that hair. it disturbs me that you wear eye-liner simply because Green Day and Simple Plan also wear eye-liner... print your music, damn it! i can do the chords by ear, but rhythms - i need them written down. (AMEB has failed me aurally). i wished i kept going with piano lessons, hell maybe one day i could even play as well as ELTON JOHN.
Jake on Monday, 25 August 2008
Hey Tim, love your work!!! I'm currently trying to figure out how to play 'Darkside' but am stuck :( I've looked all over the internet and have spent hours trying to figure this out!!! (I'm terrible at playing by ear. by the way!) I was just wondering if u could help me with some sheet music, or a link, or any hints to help me figure it out!!! It would be much appreciated! Thnx man, keep writing your brilliant songs!
Shell on Sunday, 24 August 2008
Hi Tim, I did feel a little silly for having to look up Aldeburgh on a map as I didn't even know it was in the UK - it does sound a bit Austrian - it does! Although Snape Maltings did give me a clue as that does sound peculiarly English and also conjures up Hogwarts in my mind. However, I have just noticed that you are apparently performing down a well in Tunbridge at the end of October - an unusually intimate, echoey and probably damp venue surely. Have fun ...but do remember to tell Lassie or Skippy where you’re going. xx
Trish's Cuz on Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Hey, watched the show on Sunday night (we were sat right behind Colin Murray, which was also quite star-spangly). Awesome gig dude! Looking forward to getting the new show on cd. We're likely gonna stalk you throughout your Scottish shows, so you have ample time to apply for that restraining order! ;)
Manni on Wednesday, 20 August 2008
my friend introduced me to your stuff... she knew who you were because shes from australia too. she made the biggest mistake ever because now she got the whole lot of us walking down the street sing your songs and getting funny looks when we say that we are going to cut people legs off and kick them in the head with them.....yea.... they think your adorable because you look all cuddly with you big hair, sweet little expressions,eyeliner (all huys should wear it) and little cutesy feet. :D point taken, so true :).... unfortunatley we will not be traveling to london (?) to bring you cookies haha. maybe we`ll post you a banana.... toodles...
LJ on Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Awesome Tim, the first time i'd heard of you was on Monday when i saw your Fringe show, (It's 11.30, we're up late! YAY!)and I laughed so much i had tears rolling down my face, so there is now officially one more fan in your collection. My boyfriend is a musician and since I've known him he's always made up silly songs... now I know where he gets it from! Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for the laughter (and the CD which keeps me amused in my car!) and I look forward to the next time you come back to Glasgow/Edinburgh, or when i can get a copy of 'only a ginger can call another ginger ginger' too! Take care! Lj x
Clementine on Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Hey! we saw you in edinburgh and it was a wonderfull show! (we where sitting being the queen of the f asterisque arsterisque king universe ;) ) Since I'm from France I never thought I'd get to see one of your shows, so it was bloody lucky you were there! A great night I'll definitly remember!!
Alex on Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Hi Tim. I usually dont really write in guest books, i guess i dont want to be under the burden of wasting someones time. lol But Im writting to say how much your music and general outlook has given me the spark I needed to get back into music :) Ive been a fan since early 2007, and even succumbed to the evil monster of capitalism and bought your lovley merchandise :) I dont expect a reply, I only wished to extend my thanks and best wishes for the future =) x
Caity on Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Hello , im judt popping by to say that i think your amazing your piano is so good and your songwriting is high-larious you need to come back to australia , you had a gig a while back but i missed it which is sad i love every single one of your songs so does one of my besties he performs the songs alot and we both love you your a great performer keep it up :) xx
Lucy J 14 on Monday, 18 August 2008
Me and my friend, saw you at the Edinburgh festival and we thought you were amazing! I didn't stop laughing throughout the whole show and I loved the song "If I Didn't Have You" I have never ever laughed so much! And I loved it at the end when you told us about the woman who came up to you and felt sorry for your wife and you said "It's not a song about love, it's obviously a song about maths." You're actually THE BEST comedian I have ever seen. If anyone at Edinburgh asked us who they should see we told them straight off "Tim Minchin". Amazing.
Beth on Monday, 18 August 2008
Edinburgh was AMAZING! Everyone who asked us what to go see were directly directed to Tim Minchin!
Nikki on Monday, 18 August 2008
Hi! Thanks for getting the people at the front of the tent to stand up at meant that we were not only dry but we were able to laugh our butts off at your good self! =^.^=
Captain J03Y The Ultra-Violet Pyrite on Sunday, 17 August 2008
Hey Man! Loving the stuff that you do, can't wait to see you in october! You are such an inspiration in my friend and I's comedy sketch show, "Weasl and Sheepez". You should check us out on youtube! Try the cooking show:P The Mia girl before is also my friend, not that it matters:P she's pretty cool! See ya in october man!
cole on Saturday, 16 August 2008
Hey.. you dont know me either but i know the that girl and although your awesome your not as awesome as her and i love her SO much even if she gets me in trouble sometimes ;) lol
Mia on Saturday, 16 August 2008
Hello. i know you don't know who the hell i am, but i just thought i'd drop by and're frickin awesome :)
Calum Mills on Saturday, 16 August 2008
Legend! Was at your performance last night at the plesance grand and was the best thing ive seen in years! I was crying with laughter in parts- please come to newcastle! Except im going to durham! I hadnt really heard of you before last night but you are now one of the best comedians around in my opinion. Keep up the good work! See you in October!
Tom on Saturday, 16 August 2008
Hey I saw you on TV and fell in love with your canvas bag song! Can you please put it up for download?! You were great on Never Mind the Buzzcocks too!
Jo on Friday, 15 August 2008
Bonjour, Saw you recently at the Latitude festival (on the telly, i'm too cheap to actually go to these things ^_^) and i fell in love with you! I'd seen you before on Never Mind The Buzzcocks as well and thought you were quite cool. PLEASE put the Ginger song up for downloads! I can't find it anywhere and I want to educate my friends in ginger etiquette. and have something good to listen to on my mp3 :) jo xx
Phyl on Friday, 15 August 2008
Love what you do, but why have we still got to order your dvd's via Australia ? Be so much handier and cheaper if we could buy all your stuff locally.
Linzy on Thursday, 14 August 2008
I like you; we should meet for lunch some time (I'm subtle as a brick, me). x
Chris A on Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Saw the gig on sunday, after bumping into you in toilet before the that...erm after meeting you in the bathroom....erm....i saw you washing your hands and I said hi.....anyway, awesome night was the point i wished to make, loved the stuff....hate to say was the first time i had seen you and had only recently heard of have however, jumped to one of my favorite acts...i thankyou. u were great, this will not be the last time i see your shows. may see you in coventry if I can.
Chris on Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Hello Tim, and greetings from Washington DC! I've only recently stumbled across your videos on YouTube and I am absolutely amazed that I had never heard of you before! You're sort of like the bastard love child of Eddie Izzard and Beethoven. And honestly, I think you play better than Elton John. Please come to the United States as soon as possible, and keep up the good work!
Pete on Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Saw your show on Sunday night and I must say I was disappointed......that it didn't last longer - very very funny!
Zoe on Sunday, 10 August 2008
I came to watch your show last night, worried you were going to be a male victoria wood, you weren't, you were very agreeable, peculiar and hugely funny. I may take in one of your shows in the future.
alex on Sunday, 10 August 2008
DUDE! your hilarious,i can listen to your tracks over and over and just laugh for hours !
annawaits on Saturday, 9 August 2008
I'm coming to edinburgh tomorrow! Yay! And your show is first on my list so i'll see you tomorrow evening, even if you don't see me..!
Gizelle on Saturday, 9 August 2008
Dear Tim Minchin, This is the first time I am writing to you, I have been listening (like everyone else) to all the songs I could find of yours on youtube, since my friend stole the 'So Live' DVD from me. I hope you are well and the family and hope that your life is blessed every single moment. I wish to be in the singing (not comedy cause I suck at that) business like you in the future. I hope to comment on your Guestbook again, I have so many questions to ask on how you got to where you are now but I'll save that another day. Sincerely, Gizelle
dave on Saturday, 9 August 2008
just spent three hours listening to just about everything you have on youtube, searing self analysis and a lot of fun. you are fast becoming a legend. thank you
ArizonaBrad on Friday, 8 August 2008
Tim, awesome stuff. Just found out about you today and can't stop listening. By the way, anyone ever say you look a little similar to the lead singer of a Houston, Texas, US group Blue October named Justin Furstenfeld?
billyFROMohio on Thursday, 7 August 2008
Hey Tim, I just recently started listening to your stuff and you've quickly become my favorite comedian. You should come to the U.S. and do a tour (with a stop or two in Ohio), so I can see you live because I would definitely come see you.
H on Monday, 4 August 2008
Tim! Saw your show tonight at the Edinburgh Festival. Genius. Face still hurts from laughing. XXX
Matthew on Monday, 4 August 2008
Ok, I saw you for the first time live last night. Loved it! All the songs were fantastic and I think I was the only person in the whole audience who got the Ghostbusters piano reference. You are a man after my own tastes. Good luck and Enjoy the rest of the festival. p.s. you have inspired me to stop constantly writing such serious songs, I too am a rock and roll nerd. thanks
EccyThump on Monday, 4 August 2008
Hey Ginger, Saw your show on Saturday in the sports hall where I previously sat dull exams - it was a great improvement. My boyfriend would dearly like to know when your ginger song will be available for download so that he can giggle away to himself whilst agreeing that once you've done ginger, you can't go back. Cheers for an entertaining evening, Ginger.
Duncan & Sam on Sunday, 3 August 2008
Hey there! We came and saw you live in Edinburgh on friday 01-08-08 in the 'badly converted gymnasium'(we were sat front row next to 'Shallom' man). Had seen you on TV prior and you lived up to your sharp witted and ironic views life, love and of course shopping bags. Will probably/possibly be coming to see you at Stirling in October. Keep doing what you do! Cheers
Elisha Bayram on Sunday, 3 August 2008
Btw... I can't mske cookies but I make awesome Banoffee Pie, lol! :) Not msny of my friends in England have heard of you so i've been educating them... Hmmmm Sorry I don't mean to babble on you must get loads of messsages. I really want to know how you got so good at piano, I've had one since I was born and it's the most amazing gorgeous thing ever! Not agrand one but it's still lovely. If you ever read this... Dunno just felt like starting something I wasn't going to finish... xxXxx
Elisha Bayram on Sunday, 3 August 2008
Heya Tim... Never seen you live! I would love to so i'll keep an eye out... I love your songs and I kinda hate they fact that your an amazing piano player!!! But trust me am gunna be better (I wish) lol... Love your comedy and everything... Hope to see you live xxXxx P.S. Who actually needs shoes???
RC on Sunday, 3 August 2008
Hi Tim I saw Rock n Roll Nerd at the Melbourne International Film festival a few days was fantastic. What a wonderful ride you have been on in the last few years. Thanks for the wonderful comedy and music you produce and for the honesty both you and your wife gave to the documentary. All the best in the future, I will look out for your gigs the next time you are in Melbourne.
Ruddy on Saturday, 2 August 2008
Hi Tim. I just wanted to say that I love your songs and the way that you can talk about anything you feel like. Hope someday you come do a show here in Rio de Janeiro.
Eilish on Saturday, 2 August 2008
Hi Tim. You are now considered lovely in the eyes of all my friends. I, of course, already knew. Can't wait for when you come back to Melbourne!
Dave Heath on Friday, 1 August 2008
Hi, I know it's a bit late but you did a show last year at the the pheonix theatre in Leicester, I thought it was rather good!
Bra on Friday, 1 August 2008
Oh no, that's just me.
Bra on Friday, 1 August 2008
Something weird going on with your forum page.
Dfelutas on Friday, 1 August 2008
interesting site man