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Guestbook / Comments

Here’s a place you can leave random comments about stuff that you feel isn’t particularly related to the News. Maybe you just want to say hi. Maybe you want to critique a piece of my work. Maybe you want to ask me where I live and come and bring me cookies. Whatever. Stick it in the box down below.

Oh, and please don’t post links or email addresses, or the spambot filter robot will take offence and refuse to publish.

André Elleboudt on Saturday, 10 September 2022

Hello, I'm from Belgium and have "discovered" your presentation at University dealing with the nine "lessons" of life. Is it possible to get the text of the very smiling AND human keys for another life. In case it is, i will appreciate to get it. Excuse me for my belgian English... André

Heather on Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Just wanted to say I think you're fantastic. Been watching your stuff on Netflix and YouTube and I am laughing so much I'm crying. You're very talented. Keep up the wonderful work and if you ever come to Rochester NY let me know so I can get tickets quickly. Thanks for making me smile 😃 😊

Andrew on Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Please tour the US and come to Denver, CO PLEASE!!!??

Lolli on Saturday, 3 September 2022

North American tour! Please with cherries!!

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