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Ooh look! I did a book!

You Don’t Have To Have a Dream (Advice For The Incrementally Ambitious)” is a gorgeously-bound collection of the 3 Occasional Addresses I’ve made at Universities that have given me Floppyhat Funtimes.

I’ve written some additional ponderous intros and I’m recording the audio book version and I’m going to sign a heap of the hard copies. Gorgeous illustrations by Andrew Rae and designed by Dave Brown.

Out in September in the UK and Australia. (US next year, sorry!) Pre-order available now here.

Stoked about this project. Xxx

More details and a peek inside can be found here

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Walter on 27th of June 2024

I was wondering how to get one of the heap of signed books?

Gemma on 26th of June 2024

Oh you bloody tease Minchin lol! September is aaaages away!!!

Nick on 24th of June 2024

Yeah, I will be getting a copy for the freshly minted young adult, and another for the teen, in my life because this is the philosophy that saves young people’s lives, that’s the truth of it.

Paul on 23rd of June 2024

Also second the comment on how to get my grubby mitts on a signed copy. Not for me, but for my fiance.

She’s a massive fan, as am I. Been to see you quite a few times live now.

Caity on 20th of June 2024

Is there somewhere to buy from to be sure to get a signed copy? (UK)

Jo on 17th of June 2024


Just wondering where I might be able to order one of the signed copies of Tim’s new book.

Thanks :-)

Jo on 6th of May 2024

I am from the US. I was saddened and then did something about it and made myself happy again.

I just jumped on my Amazon.UK account and pre-ordered it that way. Looking at a estimated 26-29 September delivery date.


Linda on 26th of April 2024

We, in the U.S, are saddened by the wait. 😞

Lewis on 23rd of April 2024

Looking forward to this! However a signed copy is mentioned but I can’t find it anywhere to pre-order, how am I able to get one? I got a signed copy of Storm when it released and I’d love to add this to the collection.


Lorrie on 23rd of April 2024

Congratulations! I hope there will ba an audio version.

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